Eye Exams
Many adults don't experience visual changes as quickly as children, however with age comes other risks. As we get older the incidence of eye diseases like glaucoma and cataracts increases. Since many eye diseases begin with little or no symptoms, it is critical for each patient to be thoroughly checked on a regular basis in order to detect and treat problems as soon as possible.
We encourage annual comprehensive eye exams for patients of all ages. In children, changes in vision can occur very quickly resulting in reading and writing difficulties or other learning delays. While school nurse and pediatrician screenings are helpful, they are not equipped to measure all aspects of the visual system and DO NOT replace the need for a complete eye exam with an optometrist.
During your visit, your optometrist will perform a comprehensive vision and ocular health evaluation. Each exam includes an Optomap retinal health screening at no extra charge.
What to expect during a routine exam:
An Ocular and Medical History​
Corneal Topography
Intra-ocular Pressure Measurement
Blood Pressure Measurement
Optomap Retinal Imaging
Visual Acuities
Ocular-motor Evaluation
Binocular Assessment
Manifest Refraction
Anterior Ocular Health Assessment
Posterior Ocular Health Assessment